In the 1989 underwater masterpiece drama The Abyss, Actor Ed Harris as "Bud" saves his own life by sticking his hand into a closing hydraulic emergency door as the compartment that he is in fills quickly with seawater. The wedding ring that he is wearing is what stops the door from closing and cutting off his hand. After he is rescued, he is rather grateful that he is wearing such a ring!
The movie was quite a success, and 12 years later, still has legions of fan-clubs, circles, newsgroups... also, people's interest got piqued by that mighty ring that saved Bud's life.
This special ring was conceived after the mention from a customer of ours about the use of a high grade titanium ring in this movie. The "high grade" is clearly mentioned in the script.
The "Abyss replica" ring was brought into creation by our company, as documented in the commentary in the DVD special edition of The Abyss movie. The website address shown in chapter 10 entitled "The Ring" shows our old internet URL (You can buy the replica ring on our Abyss page.)
This ring replica idea was successful enough, as you will now see "Abyss" rings showing in many places, but we are the only titanium jewellers who can brag about having our website mentioned in such a successful movie...
The following scene shows how the high-grade titanium wedding ring saves Bud's life :
Deeper into details...
Although it is not specifically said in the movie, Bud had his ring custom made from a piece of titanium. The book give many hints to the reader... "She noticed he was wearing the massive titanium band she'd bought him."
This ring style was carefully noted and reproduced in aircraft grade titanium (Ti 6Al/4V), as it is used in tactical submarines as well as higher level aeroplanes. A softer titanium grade (such as the base grade) would have deformed and pinched on Ed Harris' finger, but Bud's "high-grade", oversized wedding ring could actually withstand such a treatment. "The harder-than-steel wedding band Lindsey had given him. The door could bend it a little - He could feel the pressure on his finger - but it couldn't break it or crush it."
Bud's ring is very wide : close to 15mm in width. It is also quite thick to resist the hydraulic door treatment. Its aspect looks close to a raw "industrial cut", with no specific jewellery finish, making it look very manly and strong!
All our rings come with a choice of jewellery finishes for aesthetics and more refined aspect. We do not use titanium tubing to make our rings. Each ring is carved from a solid bar of the metal.
You can buy the replica ring on our Abyss page.